Saturday, December 12, 2009

Saint Nicholas Family Festival - Dec. 5, 5:30 PM

What a wonderful night - a taste of Christmas early in Advent! The church was bright with happy children and a spirit of sharing in Christian community. During the sermon, I talked with the kids about the differences between Santa Claus and the Christian saint, Nicholas of Myra. So when Saint Nicholas (instead of Santa Claus!) bounded in at the end of the service, with crozier and mitre, they were thrilled! Many thanks to Jimmy Tolfree for playing Saint Nicholas this year.

"O good holy Nicholas, you who brought joy to children, put in my heart the spirit of childhood about which the Gospel speaks. Teach me how to spread happiness around me. Amen."

Fr. Chris +

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pearl Harbor Day Remembrance - 12/7/09 - Long Beach

A Prayer for Pearl Harbor Day

The Rev. Dr. Christopher King

Almighty God, by whose hand this nation and its people have been graciously blessed with freedom, opportunity and plenty, we give you thanks for the heritage of this land and acknowledge before you our solemn duty to be its stewards for generations to come.

On this day that will always be known as “A Day of Infamy”, we keep bright the torch of remembrance for those brave men and women who served and died in Pearl Harbor. We commend them to your mercy, O God, as we do the families who loved them and grieved their passing.

We ask your blessing today upon all of America’s veterans, and upon those in active service, who have heard their country’s call and answered with everything they have.

By your providence, their sacrifices have not been in vain but have served to set many free from tyranny.

Do not let us fail to stand by those who have stood up for us. Do not let us presume upon your favor but, so far as we are able, to place our pride upon the altar of your sovereign will. And do not let us be idle, but stir up in our hearts an ardor for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all people here and everywhere.

We thank you, O Lord God, for our American veterans and for their noble struggle to give this world an honorable peace. May we never forget them and may we never forget this day.
