"God is the source of every blessing. The energy of everything we see around us today tells us that God lives and loves this world; and all the ways that we find delight in being alive inspire us to praise and bless the Lord with our selves, our souls and bodies. By this celebration of our joy in riding our bikes, surfboards and skateboards, we express our belief that everything is working together for the good of those who love God, wherever he wills to be found."
So began our 1st annual (Lord willing!) "Blessing of Bikes and Boards" on the morning of Saturday, June 13, at the Magnolia Street boardwalk here in Long Beach.
Our little city by the sea is home to an enthusiastic recreational community - cyclists, surfers, skateboarders, swimmers, volleyball players, and runners. Long Beach can be a sleepy place during the (long!) winter, but when we're "in season," it's hopping! But some of these sports can be dangerous, too, and safety is a top priority. We came together ask God's blessing on the fun and to pray for a safe and carefree season.
Nearly 50 people took part - church members, people who had seen our flyers, and passersby. We were blessed with clear skies - no small miracle, given the weather we've had lately! Parishioner Maria Milillo led the C Group of the Long Island Bicycle Club on a ride from Lynbrook to Long Beach for the service, and pushed through in spite of three flat tires en route! The service included a reading from John's Gospel ("You must be born from above... The wind blows where it chooses... so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit", 3:1-8), a brief homily, special intercessions, blessings (with plenty of holy water!) of the bikes, boards and the assembly, and a moment of silence for those who had died on the road or in the water during the last year. Dr. Donna Gaines, a member of St. James and an avid surfer, wrote a truly unique blessing for the surfboards ("Aloha! Mahalo Nui Looa, Great Kahuna!"). Everyone was invited down to St. James for grilled hot dogs and hang time on the church lawn.
"The prophet Moses saw the Divine Spirit surfing upon the waters at the beginning of the world; and the prophet Ezekiel saw God riding the road of heaven on an awesome vehicle, like wheels within wheels. God is always on the move!" (from the service)
Days like this remind us that "we live and move and have our being" in a God who is real, alive, and on the move. As St. Irenaeus wrote, "The glory of God is man fully alive, and the life of man is the vision of God." May we come ever more alive as we see ever more of who God truly is!
Father Chris King +